Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Facebook Addiction

So as many of you know, because you have seen the results firsthand within your own Facebook accounts, I have recently become very addicted to Facebook. I think the transition from just a casual user to full-blown addict occurred during my recent illness, when I found myself lying around for days and days, feeling like crap but unable to talk on the phone or really leave my house.

There's an application on there called "Pieces of Flair" and boyyyyyyy oh boy, I love me some pieces of flair. And it's virtual flair! You don't even have to clutter up a drawer with actual small buttons or buy them and say to yourself, "Now where can I wear this 'Vote for Pedro' button and not be judged harshly by my peers." You can just secretly hoard these little buttons in your own account and then post them and share them with your friends. To top it off, you can even CREATE your own flair!!!!! Taking any kind of picture and turning it into a small, virtual button---well, the opportunites to make someone's day are limitless, my friends.
So, my current flair board looks a little something like this:

An homage to a certain someone in Chicago I haven't seen in a while. Shout out to you, Turtle! Now get your ass on Facebook already, would ya?!


Crafty Turtle said...

DUDE! I love your flair! I am honored by your turtle tribute! I need me some flair, too!

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