Tuesday, October 16, 2007

hey 19...

At my apartment, prior to leaving for tryouts.

What the hell ever happened? You said tryouts were in August, then they moved to September 9th...and now it's October 16th and there's still nothing new on the "blog". Why do I even bother checking this stupid website out anyway?

You're not even working. For god's sake, get working on that overdue post NOW missy.

So it was really hard and probably the most fun I've had in a loooong time. There were about 40 potential roller girls vying for the same spot on the league that I wanted.
And they took 17 women to be skaters. And I wasn't one of those seventeen. And to add injury to insult, I totally jacked my knee on the very last drill of the night. Sprain. Bad Sprain. Feeling it still in January sprain.
But word spread about possible referee opportunities...

"So I applied, basically..." "And the next thing you know..."

I was awarded a referee position! Thus, the roller derby referee "Steely Danielle" is born.

Official NSRG web photo

So it's kind of the best of both worlds. Refs get to do everything skaters do, same practices and everything. But we just don't play the game. In a way, it's a completely different skill set to master, but I LOVE IT so far!

Stay posted here for more things derby!

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